TinyTalk.ai User Agreement

We sincerely thank you for choosing and using TinyTalk.ai services (hereinafter referred to as the "Services")!


Your user experience is very important to us. To help you better understand the content of the Services and clarify your rights and responsibilities, we, TinyTalk.ai(hereinafter referred to as "we" or "us"), have formulated this TinyTalk.ai User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "this Agreement") and remind you to carefully read and thoroughly understand this Agreement. By using the Services, you agree to this Agreement, and it will immediately take effect. If you do not agree with this Agreement or any part of it, please stop using our Services immediately.

We highly value your personal privacy and information security. For this purpose, we have specifically formulated the TinyTalk.ai Privacy Policy, which you should read carefully.

If you are under 18 years of age, it is recommended that you have your guardian read this Agreement (especially the "Terms for Minors" section) and use the Services with their consent. If you have any questions, opinions, or suggestions about this Agreement, you can contact us at admin@tinytalk.ai.

This Agreement will help you understand the following:

  1. Scope, Changes, and Effectiveness of this Agreement

  2. Service Introduction, Access, and Changes

  3. User Conduct and Legal Responsibilities

  4. Intellectual Property and Related Rights

  5. Export Control Terms

  6. Terms for Minors

  7. Disclaimer

  8. Reporting and Complaint Channels

  9. Dispute Resolution and Applicable Law

1. Scope, Changes, and Effectiveness of this Agreement

1.1 This Agreement applies to all TinyTalk.ai services, including upgrades and updates to the services and products you use during the term of this Agreement.

1.2 The parties to this Agreement are the users of the TinyTalk.ai platform (those using the related services of this website) and the TinyTalk.ai platform, including TinyTalk.ai applications, mini-programs, and other services.

1.3 We may add additional terms for specific scenarios, including but not limited to platform conventions, service requirements (including age requirements), and separate agreements for specific services. These additional terms will become part of the agreement between you and us once you use these services.

1.4 This Agreement does not apply to services provided to you by third parties. When accepting third-party services, you should comply with the third-party's user agreement and privacy policy or similar documents. We are not legally responsible for any improper services or illegal handling of information provided by you by third parties.

1.5 For issues related to the processing and protection of your personal information while using the Services, please read our TinyTalk.ai Privacy Policy.

1.6 This Agreement takes effect upon publication. We may revise or re-establish this Agreement at any time due to changes in laws and regulations, company operations, business strategy adjustments, and product service upgrades. The updated agreement terms will replace the original terms once published. If you continue to use the Services, it indicates your acceptance of the updated terms. If you do not agree with the changes, please stop using the Services immediately.

1.7 The headings in this Agreement are for convenience only and do not affect the interpretation of the terms. To protect your rights, please read each term carefully.

1.8 This Agreement constitutes the complete agreement between the parties regarding the matters agreed upon and other related matters. Except as provided in this Agreement, no other rights are granted to the parties.

1.9 If any term of this Agreement is deemed invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the remaining terms shall remain valid and binding.

2. Service Introduction, Access, and Changes

2.1 Service Content

TinyTalk.ai provides AI-generated content services. You can input descriptive text or images to receive custom-generated images from AI. We aim to provide you with artistic inspiration, assist in your creative endeavors, and supply high-quality images for various needs.

2.2 Service Form

You can use the Services by visiting our website and TinyTalk.ai mini-programs. We grant you a personal, non-transferable, and non-exclusive license to use the Services solely for accessing or using the Services.

2.3 Service Scope

2.3.1 We grant you a personal, non-transferable, and non-exclusive license to use the Services for non-commercial purposes on a single terminal device. Without our prior written authorization, you may not engage in commercial activities such as selling, copying, distributing, or bundling the software.

2.3.2 All other rights not expressly authorized by this Agreement remain reserved by us. You must obtain our written permission to exercise these rights.

2.4 Service Changes

2.4.1 To improve user experience and meet user needs, we will continuously develop new services and provide service updates (these updates may include service replacements, modifications, feature enhancements, version upgrades, etc.). To ensure the security and stability of the Services, we may update the Services or change or limit some functionalities.

2.4.2 Due to the special nature of network services, you have the right to stop using our Services at any time. We may also change, interrupt, or terminate part or all of the Services at any time within the scope permitted by law.

3. User Conduct and Legal Responsibilities

3.1 Account Registration

3.1.1 You need to register an account to use the Services. Upon successful registration, you will receive a user account and corresponding password. You are responsible for keeping your account and password secure and for all activities that occur under your account.

3.1.2 Each registered account can only be used by one user, and each user can only register one account.

3.1.3 To ensure your account security, some features and/or individual services may require real-name authentication in compliance with relevant U.S. laws and regulations.

3.1.4 We have the right to review the information you provide. If the information or documents you provide are incorrect or false, we have the right to refuse service or terminate the services provided to you.

3.2 Service Usage Norms

3.2.1 Service Operation Security

To ensure the secure, stable, and normal operation of the Services, you must not directly or indirectly engage in the following behaviors:

  • Bypassing or attempting to bypass any content protection mechanisms or security mechanisms of the Services.

  • Directly or indirectly stealing video, images, or other information content from the Services.

  • Other behaviors that interfere with or attempt to interfere with the normal operation of the Services.

3.2.2 User Usage Security

To protect all users' legitimate rights and interests, you agree not to engage in the following behaviors without our written permission:

  • Exporting user information.

  • Displaying or providing any user information to unauthorized parties.

  • Requesting, collecting, or otherwise obtaining access to user accounts, passwords, or other authentication credentials.

  • Impersonating others or gaining unauthorized access to the Services.

  • Other behaviors that infringe or attempt to infringe on other users' normal use of the Services.

3.2.3 Information Security

To maintain the security of the information content in the Services, you agree not to engage in the following behaviors without our written permission:

  • Copying, reading, or using the information content for commercial purposes.

  • Editing, organizing, or arranging the information content for display outside of the original page.

  • Using special identification methods to generate adverse effects on the information content.

  • Other illegal access or use of the information content.

3.2.4 Network Security

To ensure the Services are not used for illegal network activities, you agree not to engage in the following behaviors without the appropriate permissions:

  • Accessing or using computer network resources.

  • Deleting, modifying, or adding to the functions of computer networks.

  • Deleting, modifying, or adding to data and applications in computer networks.

  • Creating or spreading computer viruses or other destructive programs.

  • Other behaviors that endanger network security.

3.2.5 Content Creation Security

Due to the special nature of the Services, U.S. laws and policies highly emphasize the security and compliance of user-generated content. You must not use the Services to create, publish, or spread false or harmful information.

3.2.6 Legal Responsibilities

If you violate any usage norms under this Agreement, we have the right to take appropriate actions, including warnings, restricting functionalities, suspending services, or terminating accounts, and publicizing the results. We will strictly handle users who engage in illegal activities.

4. Intellectual Property and Related Rights

All intellectual property rights to the content generated by the Services are owned by us. Without our written permission, you must not use, copy, distribute, or engage in other activities that infringe on our intellectual property rights.

5. Export Control Terms

You agree to comply with all applicable export control laws and regulations. You must not export, re-export, or transfer any part of the Services without the necessary permits from the relevant authorities.

6. Terms for Minors

If you are under 18 years old, you must have your guardian read this Agreement and use the Services with their consent.

7. Disclaimer

We do not guarantee that the Services will meet all your requirements or that the Services will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free. You understand and agree that you use the Services at your own risk.

8. Reporting and Complaint Channels

If you have any complaints or reports, you can contact us at admin@tinytalk.ai.

9. Dispute Resolution and Applicable Law

This Agreement is governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the United States. Any disputes arising from or related to this Agreement shall be resolved through friendly negotiation. If the negotiation fails, either party can submit the dispute to the competent court in the United States for resolution.

Contact Information

Email: admin@tinytalk.ai